For New Patients
We get it. The first appointment at a new office with a new specialist often comes with a little bit of anxiety. What can I expect? How am I going to be treated?
Because we’ve been there before ourselves, we want to make sure your first visit (and every visit afterward) goes as smoothly as possible. And not only that, we want to make sure that appointment is an effective one, too.
On this page, you’ll find some information on how best to prepare, what you should bring, and what you can expect. Let’s get off to a great start!
New Patient Registration Forms
To expedite your time in the waiting room and greatly reduce your stress levels, we strongly recommend that you print and fill out your new patient paperwork ahead of time.
This form covers things like your medical history, medications you are taking, preferred pharmacy, family history, and consent forms. The information you give us provides an extremely important foundation for your care. Basically, it helps us know that the treatments we recommend for you will be as effective as they can be.
It’s not overly complicated, but it’s also not something you want to try to crank out 5 minutes before an appointment, either. So please, fill them out ahead of time!
Check-In Procedures
In order to protect your identity and medical coverage information, we will require you to show your photo ID and your insurance card at each visit. Please don’t forget!
Co-pays and any outstanding balances will be collected prior to your visit.
Although it’s not mandatory, we also encourage you to write out a list of questions you know you want to ask the doctor beforehand and bring it to your appointment. We want to make sure you have the opportunity to have all your concerns or questions addressed.
At Your Appointment
In short, please be understanding.
We make every effort to run our practice as efficiently as possible, so that appointments start on time and that nobody has to feel stuck in our waiting room forever. And usually, we accomplish this quite well!
However, please keep in mind that we are a specialist office, and many of our patients do require more in-depth care. If we must make a choice between ensuring that a patient gets the time and attention that they need, or keeping to a strict schedule, we are going to side with our patients.
So please, be patient with our staff if the doctor happens to be running a little behind on the day of your appointment. And know that, when it is your turn to be seen, you are going to be given the same high quality, personal attention by the physician that we give to every patient—regardless of how long it takes.
Prescription Request Policy
Expediting refills
If you need to refill a medication that you have already been prescribed by Dr. Yull, please contact your pharmacy to make the request (even if you have no refills remaining on your current prescription). The pharmacy will call or fax our office directly with the request.
New prescriptions / prescription changes
If you need a prescription for a medication you have not already been prescribed, or need to change your prescription, please call our office.
If you get the answering machine, please remember to clearly provide all the following information so we can process your order as quickly as possible:
- First and last name
- Phone number to reach you
- Date of birth
- The name of the medication you need (if known)
- Any problems you are having with your current medication
- The name and location of your pharmacy
If your medication has to be an actual written prescription, we will write that up for you and call to let you know when to pick it up.
We Look Forward to Meeting You!